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Paramedic and Medevac Helicopter

Rapid, secure, and effective hemorrhage control during flight

Featuring an innovative wedge-shaped bladder, the AAJT-S delivers stable and complete occlusion of blood flow to critical areas: the upper extremities, lower extremities, and the pelvis.

Controls severe hemorrhages in seconds and reliable in turbulent conditions.

Secure Application with Rapid Deployment

Emergency Patient Transportation on Medical Helicopter

Maintains consistent hemorrhage control throughout transport.

Long-Distance Stability

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Intuitive Design for Critical Areas

With only FIVE simple steps for deployment, it ensures quick and easy application, minimizing patient handling and providing effective hemorrhage control for critical areas like the upper extremities, lower extremities, and pelvis.

Want to See it Live & in Action?

Witness the simplicity and effectiveness of this life-saving device as it swiftly controls hemorrhage!

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Clinical Articles

Explore comprehensive clinical summaries that showcase the efficacy and life-saving potential of the AAJT-S. Our summaries highlight key studies, outcomes, and case reports, providing you with valuable insights into the device's effectiveness in real-world scenarios.

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compact & Lightweight

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The AAJT-S helps our team save more lives by stopping critical bleeding at the scene of the emergency.

- Dea Calce, COO, Huntsville EMS, Inc.

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Versatile Application to Five Sites

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Equivalent to Zone 3 REBOA

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Compact and Lightweight

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Immobilizes Pelvic Fractures

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Only Junctional Device Cleared for Control of Pelvic Bleeding

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Preassembled for Quick and Easy Deployment

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